Profiling at work

Additional to Adult profiles: 
(These profiles are done after the main NBI® Adult profile of the individual has been completed.)

NBI® Leadership Style
The NBI® Leadership Style instrument provides insight into the way you prefer to lead. It determines the specific issues that are important to you as well as identifying areas where leadership approaches can be developed further.

(See blog on Leadership:

NBI® Skills
The NBI® Skills instrument highlights the skills an individual’s has developed.
The information provided by the NBI® Skills profile may be different to the person's adult brain profile as the person may have acquired skills in a particular area that is different to his/her dominant brain preferences due to what was required of him/her. Alternatively, the person may have a strong preference in one area but has never had the opportunity to develop skills in that area.

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NBI® Job
The NBI® Job instrument is a descriptive assessment that identifies the skills needed in order to succeed at a particular job.
This instrument is used to design a "job specification" for a particular position, i.e. it identifies the brain profile needed for the position, and thus will help to identify the person that would most likely flourish in that particular position. 

(See blog on NBI® and employment:

NBI® Creativity Style
Since creative thinking looks different in the different quadrants, the NBI® Creativity Style instrument is used to identify the type of creativity you prefer and apply.
It is important to remember, as with all individuals' profiles, there is no good or bad, right or wrong.

(See blog on creativity:

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NBI® Learning Style
The NBI® Learning Style instrument provides insight into your learning style and factors that are important to you when studying.

NBI® Business Analyst
The NBI® Business Analyst assessment identifies the thinking preferences of the Business Analyst specifically. It gives insight into the way the Business Analyst prefers to think during projects. It creates greater awareness of and sensitivity to the thinking styles of fellow role players.
For the Business Analyst, developing and improving his/her whole brain thinking and making better decisions during key moments will lead to a better understanding and vision of the overall picture of the project. 

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NBI® Wealth Instrument
The premise of the NBI® Wealth Instrument is to determine the thinking profile of an individual when making investment decisions.

NBI® Desired Job
NBI® Desired Job questionnaire identifies the kind of JOB you would like to have one day making career choices easier.

The profile report focuses on the specific quadrant scores and makes recommendations based on these scores. It is also recommended that you compare your personal profile (four and eight dimensions) to your desired job profile - the higher the correlation between these two profiles the better the possibility that your desired job the is the correct choice.

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NBI® Whole Brain Feedback
Your FEEDBACK Brain Profile will give you an insight into the type of manager that you prefer to work for. This is valuable information when companies are evaluationg working space, working relationships and development of staff and managers.

NBI® Business Relationships
Your Business Relationship Style profile gives insight into professional relationships/relationships in the work place which paves the way towards growing in understanding and tolerance instead of frustration and criticism.

Accepting the fact that we don't all think the same way eases tension in the workplace and aids the formation of a positive working environment.

NBI® Personal Negativity
The NBI® Personal Negativity instrument identifies quadrants where you may experience negative thinking. Once you (and the organisation) have identified the essence of the negativity, solutions become possible.