04 Aug

People differ.

Wow, I’m sure that short sentence didn’t blow your mind (although, in it’s simplicity, it could very well change your family life as it did mine).

In our home there’s regular disagreement about what the perfect time is to leave for school.
One child believes as long as you’re there before the gate closes, you’re good, while the other considers it a disgrace to be late.

This may seem ridiculous if one doesn’t respect and take seriously the uniqueness of each child.

Digging deeper -
One explanation to what’s happening here is that one child is an L2 who loves sticking to the rules and craves structure in the mornings. The other child is an R1 free-spirited being that dislikes being rushed.
Mutually exclusive expectations of the day.

Enter “tortoise morning” and “hare morning” -
In trying to come to an agreement, we have decided to alternate days into days we will rush and try to be as early as possible while on the other days we will not rush the R1 child although we may not leave home later than a decided time.

Lesson to self -
It really does help to try and put yourself into the other's shoes.
Teach your children that not everyone feels as they do about things and that in life we all must compromise now and then.

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